Friday, June 13, 2008

Wow, I can't believe I haven't posted anything since Tuesday!

We're not on vacation or anything! I've just been on one of my frequent trips to La La Land, I suppose, kind of out of it. I've been working and taking the younger kids back and forth to VBS, planning the birthday party next week (and by the way, if you know us in real life you are welcome to come and join us!) and worrying about the fact that we don't have anyone to take care of our dogs while we're on vacation. I'm also about 1/3 of the way through the Rainbow Resource catalog, which is 1367 pages of homeschool supplies, fun! I've been writing my first copy of my wish list, which I will narrow down gradually over the summer while making my curriculum choices for each child.

We're still doing school. Today is the last day for the younger 2 though. The oldest has got to continue studying for his American History CLEP test until he takes it. He slacked off a bit during the winter, so he deserves to study this summer anyway. Besides, it's good preparation for life. How many jobs let you off for the summer? Not many.

I have some good photos on my camera to share, including ones of my horrible haircut, but I can't find the camera cord, so you're just going to have to use your imagination for now I guess.


  1. Awww....c'mon now.....find that cord. You KNOW your haircut is NOT that bad. I want to see!

  2. Anonymous9:20 AM

    I had to board my puupy at the vet's boarding and she didn't want to go. It broke my heart. I miss her already.
    Yes, I know it's a dog, but she is my little baby!! I feel so guilty leaving her that way, but had no choice! :(

  3. You've been busy! I'm jealous, my Rainbow Resource catalog hasn't shown up yet. I look forward to hearing about the party!
