Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Toe Surgery.

My oldest son had to have surgery on his ingrown toenail today. We had to get up at 4:30 a.m. and leave at 5:30 for the surgery center in order to get there at 6:30. The actual surgery was at 7:30. I couldn't go to sleep last night so I ended up sleeping about 4 hours. The worst part of the surgery for everyone involved was trying to get an IV in my son. None of his veins are visible and he hates needles and that is a terrible combination. The first nurse called a second nurse to do it. She couldn't, so she called the anesthesiologist. The anesthesiologist couldn't find a vein either, so they called in someone else. The last one didn't identify herself but she got the job done, thank goodness. It was very traumatic.
Anyway, he got through the surgery okay. He has a huge bandage and some kind of medical shoe on his foot. I have to go to the pharmacy to fill a prescription for some silvadene cream and some ear drops for his toe. ;-) When the doctor handed me the prescription I gave him a funny look, I'm sure and he said "They're good for toes too." Anyway, that's done and hopefully will be healed for vacation. Said son has been playing video games all day and I've been sleeping every chance I get.


  1. My nephew had an ingorwn toenail. It was from him digging to far to clip his toes. I used to do the same thing...I know longer do that.

    Hope he gets better by vacation.

  2. Sure sounds like your son went through the ringer to get the IV, epecially if he hates needles. My son has had ingrown toenails too. He has had them done right in the office, I was almost on the floor when they shot the novicane into his toe... from then on when ever we go there I have to wait out in the waiting room : )
    Hope he heals quickly!

  3. Yep, my sister had to have that same surgery done several years back too. They just did hers in the Dr. office though. Sure hope he's up & about & feeling better REAL soon!
