Tuesday, June 03, 2008


Today, for the first time in many days, we don't have anything written on our calendar. It's nice. We can just do whatever we want today. It will include getting our work and school done this morning and then we can pretty much be free. It's a nice feeling. We may go and get mine and my daughter's hair cut. (The boys all got buzzed this weekend.) We may go get a few more gardening supplies and maybe some vacation-walking-shoes because we're going to need some comfortable shoes or, we just might laze around and not do much of anything. We've earned it. I wish our pool was up. We'd do that.


  1. I love nothing days!

  2. It's so funny, I do not use a calender. That is not to say I am scatter-brained (OK, maybe a bit), but I love the freedom I have in not looking at that darned calender and living by it.

    I still get my chores done, gert my son to work, and all the other things people 'with' calenders do, but I am just a bit more relaxed.

    I see those folks and they are watch-lookers. I feel for those people.

  3. I used to be calendar free, then I got adult onset ADD or something and now I am calendar dependent. It helps the kids know what's going on too.
