Saturday, June 07, 2008

Saturday, June 7.

Today, we've got work but no school. I'll be doing transcription. The rest of the family is going to be working on getting the pool area ready for the pool. It seems like it's going to take a long time. It's a lot of work and it's really hot out.

We made it to the podiatrist's appointment yesterday, despite the lack of a street sign on most of the streets and the completely insane directions from Google maps. (They actually have a loop in the route on the map. A loop!) I finally had to stop somewhere to ask and fortunately for us, a woman named Anne at the Dollar General Store was kind enough to interupt her work and give good directions and to write it all down for us. Bless her. We actually got there only a couple of minutes after our appointment time. The doctor advised cutting out the ingrown toenail right then and there in the office, but my son has a fear of needles, so we ended up scheduling it for next week when it can be done under anesthesia. Just when I thought my calendar could not be more full ... we have to get up at 4:30 a.m. and drive an hour to Louisville to get it done. At least maybe it can be healed before vacation.

We're still in negotiations for youngest son's birthday. I realize that I'm a terrible mom but I don't want to have a party here at the house. I just don't want to deal with cleaning and organizing for a party when I have to work next weekend. I'll already be a day behind because of the toe surgery. I've tried to get him to agree to do it somewhere else to make it easier for me; pizza hut, the pool, the park, the library - everywhere I can think of, but he wants it here. We may have to have a meeting to discuss it later today. Meanwhile, I'm going to type to try and get ahead because you never know how things are going to go. There's work today so I'd better type as much as I can.


  1. Anonymous11:55 AM

    You are not a terrible mother!!!! Repeat after me, I am not a terrible mother!!!

    One year, we did a party at the movie theater and ds was able to really start the movie. It was fun. He got to keep the movie poster and he loved it.
    Maybe your son would go for that???


  2. I will repeat that... you are not a terrible mother. We have long abandonded b-day parties for some of the same reasons and more. Hope you come up with a workable plan.


  3. are NOT a terrible mother!! We only do family parties here. Hope you can get it all worked out!
