Wednesday, May 21, 2008

What a gorgeous day today.

I took this photo while we were on our walk today. We're trying to get mom back in better shape so I can keep up this summer at the state fair, the zoo, etc. I have slacked off on my exercise, although I've been making the kids exercise more. Not fair and not good for me either, so I'm trying to reform myself so we've been trying to go walking most days.

The kids and I had a meeting today to see how to finish the school year. I wanted to see if they wanted to abandon our unit studies and start again next year or keep going. We've finished Europe and they decided to do one more continent. We decided on Oceania which is Australia, New Zealand and some of the South Pacific Islands. We'll do Asia and Africa next school year.

I'm thinking quite a bit about the science day I'm teaching in a couple of weeks. I'm thinking of doing some chemistry, maybe making models of atoms, doing alka-seltzer rockets and mentos and coke explosions and then I'd like to throw in some kind of science art. Does anyone have any suggestions for that?

Well, dang it, just imagine a pretty blue sky because I can't upload the photo, no matter what I do.


  1. I was wondering where your picture was. :-P Don't have any ideas for you right off hand for the science art, but I'm sure you'll come up with something fantastical & I'll check back so I can STEAL your fantabulous ideas!!

  2. One time Violet did painting with ice cubes at an art class, but we can't remember how it was done. Have you checked out Kid Concoctions? I've been trying to think of a chemistry related art project and haven't yet. I'll keep thinking.
