Friday, May 30, 2008

Good sale!

It was a great homeschool book sale. I got quite a few things I'll be able to use. I got a good basic grammar book for my daughter, a good American history resource for my oldest, several cool-looking science books, several books on improving reading and writing skills for my youngest, several just for fun books, 5 computer games for 25 cents each and more - so much stuff I could barely tote it around. The weight of it split the first bag I was carrying and I had to get another one. Before I'd made it back to the van, that one had split too. The thing that's cool about these sales is that you get to look at resources all together in one place, find things you've never heard of, open them up and decide if they'll work for you. You can also talk to the other homeschooling moms about how they've used the resources and get the benefit of their experience.

After the sale, we went to one of my favorite restaurants in the world, McAlister's Deli. I love their broccoli soup in a bread bowl and their New York cheesecake. Wonderful. The prices are very reasonable and they donate all tips to charity, how cool is that? (At least in the Louisville location we were in today).

All in all, a good day.


  1. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Wow it sounds like you really made out. Our homeschool book sale is next Saturday. I am selling some of my stuff and hope to make enough for all my spending.
    Did you go with a list of things you were looking for??
    Never been to one, so I am getting excited. I hope I do as well as you!!!

  2. I didn't go with a list, more like shopping for ideas. I really didn't spend much money either. The highest priced book I got was 5.00. Most were 50 cents or a dollar.

  3. I meant to also say I hope yours goes well and you get a lot of cool things for cheap!

  4. Wow...sounds like you had a great day!
