Friday, May 16, 2008


Today we went to see Prince Caspian with the homeschool group. Our theater does field trips for local schools, opening earlier than usual and having a special price. They'll let our group tag along on these as well, so we get admission, popcorn and a drink for 6.00 each. Not too bad. We heard people talking on the radio last night about whether this movie would be scary for young kids and no one seemed to know, so I looked it up this morning before we went. I have a couple of kids who don't like anything scary at all in a movie. The review I read said there were a lot of nonbloody battle scenes and that was all. Unfortunately, there was a time when the white witch was trying to lure Prince Caspian over to the 'dark side' for lack of a better term, which did scare my youngest. He and I had to spend about 5 minutes standing in the hall of the theater. So my advice is to skip it if you have very sensitive young kids. Other than that, we enjoyed it. I need to read the book though because I feel like I'm missing some background material, like I didn't get the whole story.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Incredible and Violet are thinking of going to see this next weekend. Violet has been in a Narnia study group this past year. She's well versed with the violence in the books, but I'm still nervous about her seeing it on screen.
