Monday, May 12, 2008

Counting the Days.

I'm trying to decide how to do our last days of school. Some people do half days all summer, some do one or two subjects. In the past, I've done some reading of fiction books that go along with our studies in the summer but not much else. My oldest son has a CLEP test on either June 16, June 30 or July 14. They won't let us know until probably the Saturday before the test on Monday, so that's hard to plan around. I don't really want to end school for the rest of us and have the oldest continuing to study but I might. I may drop most of our studies and go to a modified schedule through June, which includes him studying his American History every day and the others brushing up on the skills they need the most work on.

PS: My daughter looks at my calendar every day and frequently circles everything that looks fun, sometimes multiple times. :-)

1 comment:

  1. We do things a bit different (if I read how you run your school year). We school all year long. We take breaks when we feel like it. Like when an unexpected mini-vacation comes our way, or a rash of friends pass away in a two week period.

    What's that commercial say, "Life comes at you fast." that is why I love homeschooling.

    Love you blog!
