Thursday, May 22, 2008

Another pretty day here in Kentucky. Definitely a good day for a walk. It's been cool and pleasant all week. Someone said that we are going to have a mild summer this year. That will be so nice. I don't enjoy when it gets so terribly hot. We've been working on getting our summer planned, putting VBS and a small vacation on the calendar, park days, field trips and pool time. I want to go camping at least one time this summer. I've wanted to go for years, but never have made it. Maybe this year is our year. My sister is coming here for another visit so it will be good to see her again. The kids can't wait until the city pool opens so we can go there, but if it doesn't warm up, they'll freeze! Right now I'm going to simultaneously work, look for good hotel deals in St. Louis and look for resources on Oceania. :-)

Another picture of our house from the road. Doesn't it look better now that we mowed and did all that weed-trimming? :-P


  1. We own more camping equipment than you can imagine, yet we never manage to go camping!

    Your photos are beautiful! I'm in favor of a mild summer too!

  2. I am soooooo jealous. Florida is flat and hot. Did I mention the HOT part. In the winter I guess you are all jealous of us, but at least you have seasons. We go from hot to hotter.

    Lucky ducks you!!
