Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tired today.

I'm sorry I haven't been blogging much. I'm tired and just kind of hanging in here this week, just coping and not much else. I'm halfway through the week, but the busiest part is the end, so I'm trying to get work done, knowing that I won't be able to work at all on Friday or Saturday. We've been getting in half a day of homeschooling each day and that's just going to have to do it for this week. We've got all summer to get those days in, even though the kids don't want to do that, they might have to.


  1. Anonymous8:32 PM

    I do feel the same way!!
    I just want a vacation!!

  2. Anonymous8:32 PM

    I so feel the same way!!
    I just want a vacation!!!!

  3. Hey I think its the coming of spring. I hear this everwhere. Hang in there.
