Saturday, April 26, 2008

Not much going on today.

I'm going to work and putter around the house today. I've got nothing else planned. I'm glad of a day like this every now and then. It's rainy out and that's kind of good because my new garden beds I've put out this week need the rain. I've put out 3 tomato plants, moved the strawberries and planted some annuals by the front porch. The kids and I also planted a peach tree. They can't wait until it is productive. I have no idea. Do we need another peach tree so they can cross pollinate? Will it be a few years? My daughter said "I love it. Even though it hasn't given me even one yummy peach, I already love it." She's already claimed the first peach. Oldest son has the second, then she's got third, fourth, fifth and so on. Youngest doesn't like peaches and wanted an apple tree so he could have unlimited applesauce.

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