Thursday, April 03, 2008

Getting Things Done.

We have a bunch of kid-entrepreneurs around here this week. They are all in the mood to earn money. They all have daily chores and are expected to help whenever we ask, but this week I made a list of chores that I would be willing to pay for. Consequently, a lot of things have gotten done around here. The dogs have had baths. The yard has been cleaned. The shrubs that I planted in the front of the house a few years ago and had grown to hate, have been cut down. It's great.

The youngest has decided to re-open his restaurant and had me print out menus. He only needs 50 cents more to buy and pay tax on a bionicle that he wants. He's been asking everyone in the house, "Are you 50 cents worth of hungry?"


  1. Oh, that's priceless.....'50 cents worth of hungry' ;-)

    I love it when the kids are in the mood to work like that. We do the same thing around here. Certain chores are just expected to be done & then are those that we pay for.

  2. We pay for extra chores too. Violet earned money for picking up all the trash in the yard last week.
