Monday, April 14, 2008


Monday, the beginning of our busy week. Today we have eye doctor appointments which I always dread because it takes so long. Then, we've got a bunch of errands to do there, since we'll be in town. With gas prices being what they are, we have to combine trips as much as possible. I'm also going to work today because I've got so much going on every other day this week that I'm not sure when else I could get it done. I've got appointments with the eye doctor, the regular doctor, the social worker, a foster care class, skate night, a birthday party and a family member's colonoscopy for which I'm the designated driver. School might be on the back burner this week for everyone but my oldest who needs to work every day to get his work done or he's going to be in 9th grade for the rest of his life. My experiment with getting the younger 2 to work more independently has worked and even my youngest has been doing his math and spelling on his own, thank goodness. I may add more independent study to their lists starting today.


  1. What are gas prices running in your neck of the woods. Ours are about $3.40 a gallon, Yippee.

    I find myself consolidating errands also but I wonde if it does much good. We are trying to do as much as possible through the internet.

  2. Sounds like you have a full week this week! Hope you can get it all done without being too tired out! Sure does help, doesn't it, when they get to the point of being able to work independantly!!
