Sunday, March 02, 2008

Still sneezing and coughing.

Darn it. I was hoping we'd all feel much better today. I personally feel worse. We're supposed to have a really cool field trip tomorrow the the Museum of Art and Craft. We've been looking forward to it for a couple of months. It's not looking too good for us to go at this point. Oh I hate having to make a descision like this. I'm going to search the internet and see if I can find out if we're still contagious.

I hate this.


  1. I hate deciding whether or not to go or if she's too sick too.

    Hope it is crystal clear that you all feel up to it tomorrow!

  2. Well, it's crystal clear. The field trip was cancelled today because about half the group has flu or flu-like illnesses.

    We'll try and reschedule. Thanks for the kind thoughts, I guess they worked!

  3. Well, that's least now hopefully y'all can reschedule. Hope y'all get to feeling better ASAP!
