Thursday, March 27, 2008

I think of things to blog about all day long.

When I'm away from my computer that is. I remember thinking of about 3 things I was going to write about tonight while we were at the library, but now I can't remember any of them. I had a very nice time at the library anyway. I took the boys to game night, my daughter sat and read a book and I looked in every section, just about, and came home with 2 huge bags of books.

I do remember earlier today when we were talking about how many days of school we've done and how many we have left to do and I said we might just go straight through the summer and my daughter said indignantly "I'd rather do school in the summer than in the winter!" The funny thing is that she meant the opposite. She wants to swim all summer, not have school all summer. Anyway, we have about 56 days left to do, not too bad.

1 comment:

  1. "I remember thinking of about 3 things I was going to write about tonight while we were at the library, but now I can't remember any of them."

    I have a small notebook I carry with me pretty much everywhere. About every fifth stop light I'll record a thought.

    I struggle with picking from hundreds of these thoughts.
