Friday, March 21, 2008

Good news revealed - I'm going to be an AUNT again.

Finally, the good news can be revealed. I'm going to be an aunt again. My sister-in-law, is due in October. She shared this ultrasound photo and now has given me permission to spread the news. I got a little ahead of myself a few weeks ago -- sorry about that!

My youngest got very excited on hearing the news and ran to tell his big brother who was not awake yet. He told him 2 things. "We're going to dye eggs and mom has a picture of our new cousin". My oldest heard "We're all going to die, but mom has pictures of our new cousin". Huh? LoL! Anyway, it's great news and we are very excited. We love babies!


  1. OMG.....When I saw this,I thought YOU were pregnant, Dana!! Congrats on the new cousin!

  2. After I read your comment, I went back and changed the title to say AUNT! LoL.

  3. Congradulations!!!!!
    I too thought the "big News" was that you were having another baby..... but this great news!!!!
