Friday, March 14, 2008


I decided to do one of those acrostic thingys for Friday.

F - Foster Care - Our application got approved at the first level yesterday and now will go to our caseworker's supervisor's supervisor. I don't know if that's as far as it has to go or not. It's been a 5 month process and the stack of paperwork on us is as thick as a phonebook from a relatively large city.

R - Reading. We're not really reading anything that interesting right now, Hank The Cowdog and The Phantom in the Mirror. It is one of the funniest Hank episodes, in my opinion. I've got 2 books for our unit study on hold at the library but they were "in processing" yesterday and I couldn't pick them up.

I - I am doing okay, but having a particularly difficult time focusing on work this week, don't know why. My mind is just jumping from one thing to the other.

D - Dog. The little dog is going to stay. She's been behaving herself lately. She's a character, that's for sure. I asked my daughter what to blog about and she said "Freckles" (the dog) because I guess, that was the first thing she saw. Freckles is her constant companion and whines at the window whenever my daughter leaves the house. The whole time. This is according to my teen and my husband who frequently stay at home when we're gone.

A - Advertisement. I might as well throw in a shameless advertisement for my store, Grandparent Gifts, on Cafepress, since there is an A in Friday.

Y - Youngest Son - He's had a very, very, very, very, very talkative week this week, which may, come to think of it, be part of the reason I've had trouble concentrating on work. It's cute though. He's been talking to me the whole time I've been trying to type this blog post. He just went into the living room, still talking ...


  1. What a neat way to blog the day. I am off to check out your grandparents store!

  2. Hmmmmm...LOVE your acrostic idea!! I think I just might have to steal it. ;-)

  3. Yay! Freckles is staying! I've been hoping she'd get to stay.
