Monday, March 03, 2008

Field Trip Rescheduled.

That's a relief. We started calling and emailing yesterday and realized that fully half of our small homeschool group was also sick, so I called and rescheduled our trip today. Our family gets to have another day trying to recover without traipsing all over the state. We might even do school today. At this point we have 108 days of school in and I would estimate us getting done with school the second week of June based on that. However, I personally have no objection to taking some time off in the spring when the weather is wonderful and doing school when it is 100 degrees outside so we may just plan to do school all through June. We'll see. We've done 7 field trips so far. I've also got no objection to a Saturday or Sunday field trip. When I get over this horrible flu-like illness, that is.

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