Sunday, March 16, 2008


I bought an inexpensive older set of encylopedias last year on ebay, to help with homeschooling. They've been a great help, quicker to look things up in, sometimes, than the internet. Lately, though, they've been the material of choice for building. Right now, they are a race track for Hot Wheels cars. I tried 4 times to share a picture, but blogger won't let me. Annoying.


  1. Anonymous6:24 PM

    My mom bought a set of encyclopedias the year I was born and now my son has learned that there is cool information to be found in them. Many times he is over there, they spend some time looking up different animals. I'll have to give her the tip on using them for building though :-)

  2. Oooh! Have you tried using the books to set up really cool domino patterns and then watch them go up and down different levels while splitting into multiple rows? My kids did. It was great! Those encyclopedias have a million uses.

    Just found your blog and I really like it!

  3. Anonymous2:37 PM

    santhanampi - :) AOL ID


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