Tuesday, February 05, 2008

We finished studying about WW2.

I think my kids know more about the war than most people now. They made notebook pages, which turned out really well. The thing about notebooking is that they now have a scrapbook of their studies to look at and show people and when they look at it or show it to their grandparents, they're reinforcing the memories. ;-) We've got one more book in the Joy Hakim History of US series and then we'll be done with American History. After that, I plan to do a world geography study. I may add some science in. I need to look at the curriculum book I have for world history and see how much science is in it (probably a little, but not enough). I also want to do an art study. I'm not an artist, but I got a book out of the library called "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" and I want to try a few lessons from it. As this American History study winds down after 7 months, I'm starting to feel the need to revamp what we're doing a little bit, can you tell? I've quit trying to go with the regular school calendar and plan it for next year, if I think of something I feel like we need to add, I just go ahead and add it in now, while I'm thinking about AND while I have some enthusiasm for it. If I just write it down for next year, then next year when I'm planning, I'll think "why did I want to do this?" or "how was I planning to accomplish this?" My memory is not what it once was!

I didn't get anything done on the home improvement front yesterday. I feel better today, but today I have to work. Blah. Besides, it's raining and who wants to do anything like that when it's raining? Not me.

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