Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Sorry regular readers.

My blog seems to be kind of boring this week. We are cleaning and getting ready for the homeschool mom's meeting on Friday. I have let myself get more worked up over this than any other event I've ever had at my house. I've been more nervous than I was with any of the four home inspections we have had for adoption/foster care. These ladies are all good housekeepers. I've known them for 3 years almost and none of them have ever been to my house, so I've allowed it to become nerve wracking (racking? however you spell that). We've cleaned the walls, floors and ceilings, inside, outside, underneath. One reason it was such a big job was because we still hadn't moved my husband's office back after we did the living room floor. All that stuff was crowded into the kitchen and we had to do some moving as well as regular cleaning. The kids and my husband have been absolutely great, very helpful and not complaining. The kids have an ulterior motive, they want to have the whole homeschool group, including kids, over soon. My husband's just being nice.

We didn't do any school at all today. We worked and then we did Awana and now I'm gearing up to do a bit more work on my job tonight. We seem to be taking a lot of days off this winter, but we'll just go a little bit longer in the summer. It won't hurt us. I need to get back on the ball tomorrow and at least get American History done so we can be done with that and start something else!

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