Sunday, February 24, 2008

Same as yesterday.

I'll be working all day today, but I thought I would pop in and blog. I finally got to the library yesterday to get the next book in the series I'm reading and I'll read that while my work is transmitting and downloading, so working today won't be that bad. I've still got a few Heath bars left ... ;-)

Yesterday at the library, it was interesting because they said I had a bunch of overdue books but I was pretty sure I had returned some of them. I had. They had taken them from me, not checked them in properly and then put them on the shelves. I went and found them on the shelves to show them and they took the fines away for those books. This is probably the 6th or 7th time that has happened, but I'm getting smarter about it now. I go check the shelves myself. The library is a great resource, but it can end up costing quite a bit if you don't watch out. Not nearly as much as buying the books though!

Have a great Sunday everyone.


  1. Hope you get alot of work AND reading done! I'm stuck at home today, but plan to get some scrapping done.....maybe make a few cards. Have a great day!

  2. A couple of years ago Colin & I were always in the library. There was always some kind of activity to take part in, and we loved all the ladies that worked there.

    Then we moved. We were really excited because this town's library is brand new, but our excitement was short-lived. They are the most unfriendly, unhelpful staff.

    Before Christmas I asked for the next book in a series I was reading. I was told that it was on the bookmobile, and it would be put on reserve. I haven't heard anything since.

    I think we will just give up on them.

  3. Anonymous6:20 PM

    I stand at my library and watch them check the books in. I usually have 2 rolling backpacks/suitcases full of books.
    But I still stand and watch them all get checked back in.
