Sunday, February 10, 2008

My super powers.

I can often guess what time it is even if we've been out in a park, away from clocks. I never wear a watch, so I guess this is a good skill. This ability is not functional inside Walmart, though, because I might be in there for hours. Anyway, my kids have always been pretty impressed with this ability.

Tonight, when we left my parents house to come home, we were talking about how cold it was. The kids were wondering how cold it actually was. One guessed 4 degrees. I said, "No it's not that cold. I think its probably around 26." We got home and checked the temperature and it was, 26 degrees exactly. They were so impressed. My oldest said, "Wow, Mom's a clock and a thermometer."

1 comment:

  1. My cell phone does not always work inside Wal Mart. Must be some "signal blocking" they do messing with your internal clock and my cell phone.
    Malia Russell
