Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I saw this on Simply April's blog. You use the first letter of your first name and try to think of something in all of these categories. Try it!

1. Famous Singer: Dianna Ross
2. Four Letter Word: Diva
3. Street: Delancey Street.
4. Color: Denim (I couldn't think of one and looked at a list of crayola crayon colors!)
5. Gifts/Present: Digital Camera.
6. Vehicle: Delorian.
7. Things in a Souvenir Shop: Donuts
8. Boy Name: Drake
9. Girl Name: Dena
10. Movie title: Daredevil.
11. Drink: Daquri
12. Occupation: Doctor.
13. Celebrity: Dempsey, Patrick
14. Magazine: Dog Fancy.
15. City: Dallas
16. Sport: Dodgeball
17. Fruit: Durian
18. Reason for Being Late to work: Didn't want to go.
19. Something you throw away: Dead food from the fridge.
20. Something you shout: Dang it!


  1. Good job! I'd never heard of a durian. Have you ever eaten one?

  2. This is cool.....this I'm gonna snag this & use it on my blog too! Still working on my list.

  3. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Somebody say donuts? ;o)
