Saturday, January 12, 2008

Deadlines and random photos.

I'm working today, trying to meet the deadline for tomorrow night. My work goes in 2 week periods and tomorrow's the end of these 2 weeks. With all this holiday partying and meeting long lost relatives during this 2-week-period, I got really behind and consequently, have to work a lot this weekend. I hate when I do that, not the partying, the getting behind.

I've recently put my computer screen saver on the picture slide show and we're all really enjoying it. Over Christmas break, I had uploaded about 700 pictures from my digital camera onto my computer and now we're getting to look at them whenever my screen saver is on. A lot of them I don't even remember. There are a lot of good ones on there and it's a good review of our last year and a half or so; maybe 2 years. I wish I was one of those super organized scrapbooking sort of people but I'm not and this is about as good as it gets for us. At least I am good at getting out the camera and taking the pictures even if I rarely get any developed and never get any put in albums or scrapbooked, right? My daughter also uses my camera a lot and takes some really interesting shots. These 3 are hers, I think. I'm really glad we went with digital because it frees you up to take a bunch of shots that may or may not turn out well. If they're bad, we just delete them and don't waste film.

Not much going on today, so back to work.


  1. I have about 6000 pics on my computer. I dont think I'll ever get through them all. LOL
    Love the pics of the cat.

  2. She takes wonderful pictures!! My 14 yr old ALWAYS has my digi with her. She's taking a photo-a-day this year. So far they are really pretty cool! I think she & I need to take a photogrpahy class together. Maybe I should start sharing her shots on my blog too!
