Tuesday, December 04, 2007

The view from here.

This was the view from my kitchen window today, both of our girl cats, Zoey and Xena.

We're going to do school today and do a good job of it too. It seems like homeschooling has been getting the short end around here lately. Anyway, today we're going to get something done. I just know it.



  1. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Hope your confidence spilled over into a great day! December is a little tough because there are so many other things going on...we try to incorporate as much of it into school as possible.

    Principled Discovery

  2. Did you get anything done? I still say we should all give up until January!

  3. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Wonder what they're looking at...

  4. See the next post for what we got done.

    I say we hibernate until March!

    I think Zoey's looking at Xena like "Hey, this is my window sill". I don't know what Xena's looking at. Probably scanning for field mice.

  5. Can I just DITTO what Freakmom said......I have such a terrible time getting much of anything done during the month of Dec. I'm doing a couple of units from the Homeschool Estore.....one on the Grinch & one about St. Nick. The kids are enjoying it & they ARE still learning!
