Monday, December 10, 2007

Looking towards January.

I've got this list of things that I want to do or need to start doing with the kids that I plan to do in January. It started out to be kind of a small list, but now it's grown very, very large. In the back of my mind, I'm starting to worry about it a little. I want to change the way we're doing school somewhat. My oldest has said that he's not learning anything from his workbooks and I do want him to learn something, so we're going to add some of his subjects to ours and do them together like we're doing American History. We're going to add in more grammar instruction and writing for the younger two kids (if you hear whining in January, it'll be because of that!). I want to add more chores to everyone's list (or that!). I want to get my oldest enrolled in karate again. I need to see about getting braces for the girl. The list just seems to go on and on. I suppose I just need to tackle one thing at a time ...


  1. I just can't let myself think too much or I become bogged down in it all too. There are always so many loose ends to tie up! Just enjoy the holiday season..hang the worries on a shelf and take them down after the holidays!!

  2. Yep, I've got stuff like that too.....We've just recently realized that oldest DS needs to have his eyes checked & most likely glasses. Also needs to register to take SATs at the end of Jan. too. Already my list is GROWING along with yours!

  3. Sherri said a mouth full " just can't let myself think too much or I become bogged down in it all too." It is that way for me too. The anxiety gets to be too much if I think ahead.

    I am wanting to restructure my HS process to start giving the kids a bit more variety and is a challenge. I need a schedule, not of times for things,so much, as just what days to do what.

    Noddy is having tooth problems and eye problems. He is visably squinting at things far away...he is denying it even though it is obvious.

    I still think being independently wealthy is a good idea!!!!

  4. If you can figure out how to be independently wealthy, let me know!
