Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A little trouble blogging.

I haven't been able to get in and blog last night or this morning. I'm not sure what the deal is, but while this screen is up and it's letting me blog, I'm going to type as fast as I can. I've been reading the carnival of homeschooling this morning. It's here. (I actually put the link this time, aren't you proud?!)

We've taken a little mini-break from school. You know, life just gets in the way sometimes. We took Friday off because our social worker came for our final foster care walkthrough/interviews. We took yesterday off because I went on a shopping marathon and then I needed a nap. I am the Awana commander at our church and I have to buy all of the products for the Awana store. The kids get play money for attendance and learning verses and twice a year they get to spend their money. So I went to Walmart yesterday and bought tons of kid things, toys, lip gloss, coloring books, party favors, balloons, etc. It's not easy because I can't spend too much money and the kids range in age from 4-13, both boys and girls. I also got the things for our kid's stockings. Then, after 4 hours of shopping and very little sleep the night before, I took a nap yesterday afternoon, so no school.

Still, as I said, we are pretty much on target for our number of school days so far this year. We'll have 73 if we do 4 days this week and we can finish in late May or the first week of June.

Between now and when school starts again, off and on, while celebrating the holidays, I'm going to think about reorganizing school again for the spring semester. It seems to me that last spring went well but this fall, not so much, so I'll need to pull out last spring's schedule and look at it again. It's always a challenge to try and balance it all, but so worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Blogger has been acting up for me latelt too. I wish they would get new template!!!

    You are as busy as I am. Try to get some sleep/rest. I know it is hard. I seem to always have something else to do.

    I could use some good ideas on structering school for the kids next year. So far we have been trying yo instill some much needed study habits and work alone skills. We have consentrated mostly on math and handwriting. Some English. They were patheticaly left behind in public school. We have had to take them back to math basics.

    We got them a microscope, telescope, binocculars and rock tumbler for part of their Christmas. They said they wanted a "Scientific Christmas" this year. So I am hoping to integrate Science as well this year.
