Thursday, December 13, 2007

I think we may actually be done.

With the Christmas shopping, that is. We have one thing that we need to take back and get something else, but other than that, we're done. It feels good. I think it was a week ago we started? Anyway, it's done, done, done, done, done! For today and tomorrow, we'll concentrate on our final foster care walk-through which is tomorrow at 1:00. (Pray we find the papers we've lost somewhere in this house!) Then for the weekend, my focus will be getting my lines done for my job as the pay period ends on Sunday. Then, Monday, I'll have to shop for the Awana store. Then, possibly, we can concentrate on school and get a good week of school in before Christmas actually gets here.

My youngest son is "in training" for Christmas. He's decided that I should wake him up earlier every day, so that he's ready to wake up really early on Christmas morning. (Actually, I think he plans to stay up the whole night, but he's currently denying that!)


  1. I'm envious of you being DONE! Wish I was....but like you said, we just can't shop but so early...because I swear the kids ALWAYS end up changing their minds. I've made alot of hond-made gifts this year & that has helped alot!

  2. Anonymous8:35 AM

    In training you say? I know where there's a GREAT early bird coach! Want me to send her over? :o)

  3. That's so cute :). Christmas Eve is so hard...getting them all to go to sleep. Last year, I put them all in the same room and told them that they are not to come out until we get them up the next morning..unless they have to go to the bathroom!!!
    I love Christmas!!!!!!!
