Friday, November 02, 2007

Still on fall break ....

This is the last day though. We have a co-op thing on Monday and this character actor who does Abraham Lincoln is going to come speak to our group. Very appropriate since we start studying the Civil War next week. I have a book called Dear Mr. President Abraham Lincoln, Letters from a Slave Girl that we're going to read. I'd love to be able to go to the Underground Railroad museum in Cincinnati, but that's kind of far with gas prices the way they are. There is a civil war museum in our home town and we'll probably have to content ourselves with going there or Lincoln's birthplace in Hodgenville. I guess we could watch Gone with the Wind, but I never did like that movie, sad to say.

We have our homestudy initial visit today with a safety walkthrough of the entire house. We're ready for it, thanks to our war on clutter last week. Hopefully, she won't open my closet though, because it is a disaster area. Our floors in the living room are still bare plywood, but I've told her about that and she's expecting it. Hopefully, we'll get that flooring done this weekend. (crossing fingers!)

I guess I'd better get some breakfast in before she gets here.

Have a good day everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the walk through!

    I had a high school history teacher (very new and originally from Wisconsin) insist that Lincoln was born here in Illinois. We said no, he moved here from Kentucky. She didn't believe us. Reason number 837 that we homeschool.
