Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Okay, today was better.

We did get our morning lists done and our afternoon lists done. It's a miracle! And that's probably the only time we'll get them all done this week. We have 2 doctor appointments tomorrow, plus a harvest party with the homeschool group tomorrow night. (That probably doesn't count as school, does it?) Friday, we've got nothing so far, but the way the month has been filling up with dentist appointments, eye doctor appointments and the like, I'm not going to count on a free day.

Today was nice though. We talked about the American civil war and the kids did some really good notebook pages, then did math, writing and reading. We haven't added spelling and grammar back in yet, but we will. I've also got some good books on hold at the library, so we'll read those. (Thanks for all the good suggestions!)

Thats our report for our second day back from fall break. There was not as much whining this year as last year and that's good.

1 comment:

  1. There's always something to keep us from a full week of school. We still get everything done because I work the five days I have planned into 4, but it would be nice if we could have a 5 day week!!!
