Monday, November 05, 2007

Monday, November 5, 2007.

Can you all believe it's November 5 already? I can't. There are 49 days until Christmas. We have a co-op class today for school and after that, we're probably going to do absolutely nothing. This past month of having all my Saturdays tied up with foster care and all of my Mondays tied up with co-ops and field trips has really been tough. After today, I get my Mondays and my Saturdays back. For the rest of this month I have 9 things written on my calender. Of course, I haven't written in a bunch of stuff I need to do, eye exams for me and one of the kids, physicals for me and my husband, vet trips for the dogs and 1 of the cats, etc. but still, the month is looking pretty good and I hope it stays that way. I want some time to garden, get the flooring done and things like that. I just need some down time.


  1. What a great shot!! And I hear ya about needing some DOWN time. Enjoy your Mondays & Saturdays!

  2. What is.."Down time"?

    Now you have really gone and depressed me further and more! 49 days till Christmas! I swore it would not happen again but it is coming anyway...just like clockwork. Why didn't I start shopping early like I said I would?!

  3. Anonymous7:37 AM

    I also want to know what this thing is you speak of... This "down" time. LOL

    LOVE the photo!

  4. Let's see, downtime for a mom:
    That's when you still have to do the cooking, cleaning, caring, teaching and working, but don't have to GO anywhere. I guess I just need time away from my minivan?


    It's not to be though. We need groceries.
