Thursday, November 08, 2007

Harvest Party.

I forgot even to take my camera to the harvest party. I did remember to take my chicken noodle soup but forgot the crackers. I also remembered to take the craft stuff, since I was the one in charge of the craft this time. I'm in one of my moods today. I didn't feel like the soup was good, even though people said it was and I didn't feel that the craft was any good. It was too messy and all of the kids wanted to do it at once instead of just doing it a few at a time as I had pictured it. The moms and dad pitched in and helped and we got it done but it was very, very messy. Hopefully the kids had fun. I'll try something that does not involve paint next time. I gotta realize that things that go well with only my 3 kids at home won't necessarily go well in a group. Oh well. Tomorrow is a wonderfully blank day on my calendar. I probably won't be able to stand staying home and will go somewhere, but at least I'll have a choice about it.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:54 AM

    I have those moods too. ;o)
