Tuesday, October 23, 2007

This week.

I'm not sure what we are going to do this week, as far as school goes. We have quite a few things to do that are not school related. I have something written on my calendar every day this week. We may need to take a bit more fall break and try to get this other stuff done or we may just dive in and do work, school, housecleaning and a bunch of errands all at the same time. I'm not sure. We might do a half day of school each day this week so we can get 2 1/2 days done. I have to go to the grocery, pick up prescriptions, do fingerprinting for foster care, get the rest of that foster care paperwork done, finish halloween costumes, make something to take for the foster care dinner on Saturday and make chili for the homeschool party on Saturday night, plan Awana, set it up and teach it, get groceries, take youngest son to a doctor's appointment on Wednesday that is a half an hour drive each way and lasts an hour and somehow, get this house cleaned up and I need to do it while working around 30 hours this week and homeschooling the kids. With my fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, I also have to have a little rest period (okay, nap) each day. It's just one of those busy, busy times that hit every now and then. It seems like everything happens at once, doesn't it? When it rains, it pours.* My November calendar is looking pretty blank and I think I'll try and keep it that way as much as possible!

*Speaking of rain, it actually is raining outside! We got an inch of rain yesterday and it's looking good for today too. We really needed it.


  1. Anonymous7:51 PM

    I vote for taking some school time off. You need it!!!
    We love Hank the Cowdog!! Just saw it pop up on your slideshow. How come it is not centered????
    Must go and clean up supper dishes.
    Love hearing about your days!!
    You keep me motivated and upbeat.
    Sorry about Mad Science not being what you expected. One of the many reasons I stopped doing co-ops.
    Love ya

  2. I don't know why it's off center. I've tried to fix it 3 times, with no luck.

    We took the day off, from school at least.


  3. I have fibro and chronic fatigue too! Add that to my neuropathy and I've a lovely thing going on. Ugh!

    Praying you have a lovely week! :o)
