Friday, October 19, 2007


We did our second day of fall break today. Since there wasn't much work in my job queue (actually none at all) we worked on halloween costumes. We got my younger son's dragon ninja almost done and my daughter's Hermione almost done. My oldest son, I think, is going as a Jedi again this year and he already has the cloak so that should be pretty easy. I hope. I got a couple of small things done around the house too, but no where near what I wanted to get done. My back started hurting halfway through the day and continues to hurt despite Tylenol.

Anyway, speaking of Hermione and the Harry Potter books, J.K. Rowling has done an interview about the Christian imagery and message in her books. It's here. I love these books.

In other news, there is work in the work queue now, at 8:00 pm, so I'm going to start working. I guess I should be thankful that there is work, but I'm feeling a bit whiney because my back hurts and it's late and I could be relaxing with my family now. I guess I'd better quit whining about it and just do it, shouldn't I?

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