Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Making my day.

I had 2 comments today that kind of made my day. My youngest son was talking with the receptionist at his doctor's office and told her that we homeschool and told her that "other kids have to worry about whether they'll like their teacher, but I know I like mine." and also said that his mom had a hard job because one kid is in 9th grade, one is in 6th and he is in 4th and she has to teach all of them, but "she handles it really well." What a compliment coming from my 9 year old! (That is the way he talks, sounds like he's 9 going on 30 sometimes!)

Then later tonight, at Wal-mart, the lady put the prescription slip in front of me to sign then said "You are over 18 aren't you?" LoL. I loved that one. I don't know if Wal-mart's new policy is to flatter the middle aged, but I'm all for it if it is!

1 comment:

  1. Don't you just love it when your kids say stuff like that! What a sweet, sweet boy!!
