Thursday, October 11, 2007

Kinda weird.

I'm actually posting from the library while my kids are at the last tween event for the week. This one was game day and they felt that they really didn't need mom hanging around while they played Wii and other Nintendo games, so I got to browse the book section. That lasted about an hour and I got really bored and so decided to sign up for a computer. It's the first time I've used one of the library's computers and their really, really fast internet. Oh, I could learn to like this. At home my connection is unbelievably slow, so this is really fun. I may have to visit some of the blogs that have videos that I've never gotten to watch and watch them. I don't know. It feels kind of weird being on my own blog with my big old face staring back at me. This monitor is huge and makes my picture look big. I hope you all don't see it that large!

Anyway, I'm off for some really fast internet surfing.

See ya.


  1. I don't know how you look to anyone else, but I see wee bitty fatcatpaulanne! :o)

    What did you look at?

  2. It looks like a postage stamp on my home computer. On the one at the library, it was at least 4 times that size. Weird.

  3. You blog..and your picture...looks great!
    I don't think I could ever get tired of browsing books :)...I LOVE them so much!
    I hope you enjoyed the rest of your alone time!

  4. Everything looks great from here. Your pic is small....I think it depends on the screen size....since you said the one at the library was big, that's why your photo looked so big. And I feel your pain about the slow-moving computer at home. That's us.....we still have dial-up & it is can be SO slow sometimes!!
