Wednesday, October 10, 2007

It's funny.

It's funny how little things we do will translate into a few hours of learning for the kids. Yesterday, we did the craft thing at the library and my daughter was making crafts for hours. She's still making friendship bracelets. She's made a whole bunch of them. She looked in my embroidery yarn and found a pattern for some different kinds so now she's trying them. This has got to be educational for something? Maybe art?

During the bracelets tonight, my youngest son saw a bead with Roman numerals on it. He became facinated with Roman numerals and had me print out a page about them and then he studied it on his own for half an hour or so, pointing out interesting facts to me. (The whole time I was typing a report for work but that's beside the point!) Any little thing can be a leaping-off-place for some learning.

When my mom found out we were studying American history this year, she got a placemat with the presidents on it. My daughter has found this facinating and every chapter we read in the history book, she's got to look at the placemat and we've got to discuss who was president when each event happened. On her own, she started drawing the presidents and writing their names along the bottom of our American history timeline.

Tomorrow's the day that the grounding for my youngest ends. It's been an interesting 2 weeks. I actually think he's kind of enjoyed the time and revisited a lot of toys and things he hasn't played with for a while. He played with the castle building set, the lincoln logs, the bionicles, the paint and all kinds of different things. Anyway, it's over when he wakes up tomorrow morning. I wonder how tomorrow's school's going to go.

If you hear whining tomorrow, it's probably coming from here.


  1. I LOVE hearing about your activities! This is SO how we do 'learning' around here & of course your DD is LEARNING!! The Roman Numeral thing is cool too & reminds me that I need to do that for my youngest DD.....our clock in the kitchen has Roman Numerals & she's always having to ask the time & I keep telling her I will teach her the Roman Numerals. And my oldest DD is really into all the presidents/First Ladies too! She has books from the library & can tell you all kinds of interesting facts about different presidents. Now, her thing is to see if she can memorize them all in order. And all of this learning is taking place on her own....Totally self-guided here! She has a notebook FULL of all these facts, etc. that she's been learning. I think they learn/retain so much more when they are really INTO it/excited about learning! OK.....that was my ramble for the day! LOL

  2. I may have to get my daughter to see if she can memorize them all in order. She's already throwing interesting facts about them into conversations all the time!

  3. Just HAD to brag a wee bit.....DD has memorized them one day no less. She had me quiz her on them this evening!
