Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I messed up.

I messed up Halloween tonight by doing things backwards. The time change thing made 5:00, the normal trick or treat time seem weird, because it was still really light. So we felt like we would be going to peoples houses too early. We decided to go to a couple of local church's Trunk or Treats since we missed the one at our own Saturday due to the party. This took too much time and by the time we got back to our own little street where all our favorite people, aunts, uncles and cousins live, we were too late. They had their porch lights off and I figure they'd given up on us. The kids got mega bags of candy but we missed out on a lot of the visiting that makes Halloween fun for me.


  1. Aw... Sorry you missed your favorite part! ((You))

  2. Aww, bummer!

    What is a trunks or treats? Is it just a candy opportunity or is it tied to a food drive or clothing drive? ("trunks" had me wondering if you were trying to fill the trunk of those less fortunate).

  3. Trunk or treat is just a candy opportunity, but that food drive idea is very good. We should do that next year!

  4. I'm so confused about the whole time change thing. For some reason, there were two in Oct. and one in Nov. So many people have been confused as to when the real time change is. We haven't fallen back yet!!!!!

  5. When I lived in Pennsylvania, every township had its own mystical trick or treat day and time, rarely on Halloween. Since my kids were homeschooled, we never knew when the real trick or treat night was. We had two of four years in which I botched it up and bought candy at the Giant Eagle to compensate.

    My kids survived . . . :-)

  6. When I lived in Pennsylvania, every township had its own mystical trick or treat day and time, rarely on Halloween. Since my kids were homeschooled, we never knew when the real trick or treat night was. We had two of four years in which I botched it up and bought candy at the Giant Eagle to compensate.

    My kids survived . . . :-)
