Thursday, October 18, 2007

Fall Break.

Okay, I did it. I declared today at least as fall break, probably tomorrow too. I have a some things I need to get done and I'm going to try and get as many as I can done in the next few days.

*This picture is from a couple of years ago, but it this tree looks very much the same right now and I'm too lazy, I mean, um too busy to go out and take another picture. ;-0


  1. Oooh....that is gorgeous! Hope you are able to get done all that you need to do!

  2. Anonymous9:06 PM

    I miss the colorful falls.
    I hope you are enjoying your fall days!

  3. That sure is one of the things I miss living down here in Florida,
    All those beautiful colors!

  4. I love how beautiful your yard is. All those trees are so beautiful.
