Monday, September 17, 2007

Not a plague of locusts ... but

We went to the historic house Locust Grove, in Louisville. It was a mildly interesting tour. The gardens were lovely. The day was breathtakingly beautiful, not too hot. We sat down for a potluck picnic under the shade trees. The kids finished eating and ran off to play and the parents were still eating and enjoying ourselves very much. Then suddenly several of the kids started screaming and crying. They had gotten into a yellow jacket nest, I guess. 5 or 6 of the kids were stung, one poor little guy had a yellow jacket in his ear! It was pretty awful. We packed up everything and left and that was the end of that field trip. Locust Grove has a Revolutionary War reenactment in October that sounds like fun and I had thought we might go. Maybe the yellowjackets will be hibernating (or whatever they do in winter) by then?


  1. Well I posted to this earlier...don't know what happened to it though. Just remembering the time WAY back when my oldest was little & was playing outside after church with the other boys & they also got into a yellow jacket nest. It was terrible!

  2. Fortunately none of our kids had allergic reactions though. It was pretty bad anyway.

  3. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Your Louisville friend still reads your blog too! I haven't been to Locust Grove since I went on a field trip in PS elementary school. It's a shame we rarely visit our hometown tourist spots. Our favorites are the zoo and the Science Museum.
