Thursday, September 06, 2007

Getting back to real life post vacay.

Vacation is over and now we need to get back to real life. We took our Labor Day holiday yesterday, since Monday we were at the Renaissance Faire learning all kinds of things. That counted as our first field trip of the year. Tuesday, we visited a farm and petting zoo. That was our second field trip day of the year. Yesterday, we just needed some down time so we took it. Today, we'll start school again. I need to print out everyone's checklists and get going on mine.

The Renaissance Faire resembled the Kentucky State Fair in a few ways. There were rides but at the Renaissance Faire, they were human powered. There were demonstrations and shows. We saw a very funny sword fighting show and a glass blowing demonstration. They also have a lot of foods on a stick, just like the Kentucky State Fair's Pork Butt on a stick, except the Renaissance Faire had Steak on a Stake and Cheesecake on a stick, which I didn't get because I was stuffed from breakfast at IHOP, but I would have liked to have seen that.

I have tried to post a picture of the sign that said "cheesecake on a stick" about 100 times and blogger will not let me post it. Probably my internet connection is too slow and it's timing out. I'll try one more time and if it doesn't work, then you'll just have to imagine it, I guess.

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