Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Doing what you say you'll do.

This is a hard one for both the parents and the kids. My youngest has had 'take a shower' on his list of things to do and always says "I'll do it later". Last night I got thoroughly fed up with his procrastinating and saying I'll do it later and I said "okay. I'll leave you alone, but if it is not done by bedtime, you're grounded for 2 weeks." Guess what. It was not done by bedtime. That kid gets to watch TV and play video games again in on October 9. I'm not sure what we're going to do about Saturday morning cartoons, since he lives for those and it is the new season. I might let him watch those and then get off of grounding say on October 10? The constitution does protect us from cruel and unusual punishment, after all.


  1. Anonymous4:51 PM

    You are not alone....my two hate to take showers!!! I have to keep on them to get them done!!
    My kids would say they haven't taken a shower for two weeks!! SO I finally put their initials on the calendar when they do take one.

    Once we say that we are grounding, I feel we have to stick by it. I like your idea of extending it a day so he can have his Saturday morning fix of cartoons!! Creative thinking!!! That's what we homeschoolers are all about!!!!

  2. You could let him watch an hour or two of cartoons in exchange for the same amount of time cleaning the garage or something. Like a work-release program.

  3. I'm a big meanie. When Sunshine is grounded, she's grounded. Maybe missing the cartoons would be just that litle nudge he needs?
