Saturday, September 01, 2007

Bubble Gum.

Yesterday, we were at Wal-mart (pretty much an every other day event) and my youngest decided to spend some of his allowance/snack money on a huge gumball. It was so big, he couldn't close his mouth when he had it in his mouth. As I may have mentioned before, the boy is quite a talker. Sometimes when he's talking for about half an hour straight, with no pauses, about Yu-Gi-Oh cards or something like that, it gets a little tiring for the listener. My oldest son has experienced this too.(He used to be the same way when he was little!)

Anyway, yesterday, my youngest put that gumball in his mouth, then took it back out and said "I'm not going to be able to talk for a while, while I'm chewing this up." My oldest son and I looked at each other meaningfully, knowing we were thinking exactly the same thing. We're going to have to stock up on those giant gumballs.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Hmmm, giant gumballs..... I may have to try that with my son! He can go on and on about Pokemon, Bionicles, etc. Do you ever get that feeling when you can see their mouths moving and you know they're still talking but your brain can't quite make out the words? Love your blog, by the way!
