Monday, August 27, 2007


The boys had their physicals today. It's not an experience that anyone enjoys, except maybe the youngest. I wonder if he doesn't like the attention or maybe there's the satisfaction of being declared healthy. Anyway, he seemed to be having a good time this morning. None of my children enjoys getting shots, the oldest one hates them the most. Fortunately, for all of us, today he got the shots that will hold him over for the next 10 years and when he is 24, he can make his own decisions about that.

So that's two kids down, one to go. Our daughter has to get hers in a couple of weeks. I had lunch out with the boys and I'll have lunch out with her too, so she has that to look forward to. Unfortunately, the boys let the cat out of the bag with regards to the shots and finger sticks. I told them to say "fine" when she asked how it went, but they told her they needed shots and she'll need shots. She says she's not getting any, but unfortunately for her, like the doctor told my oldest today, "mom's still in charge". Old mean mom, trying to ensure they stay healthy.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Glad that it went well!
    Rosie has to have hers next summer. She's a little delayed. SO not looking forward to it...
