Friday, August 10, 2007

Friday, August 10---Curriculum

What curriculum do you use? Where do you buy it? Have you found a "gem" that you must share with others? Was something in particular a complete failure for you and your kids?

I use a wide assortment of curriculum. I guess we're not a one size fits all kind of family.

Christian Cottage
Sequential Spelling
Christian Light publishers
Alpha Omega Lifepaks
Key Curriculum Press

We also get a lot of wonderful things from the homeschool estore.


  1. Hi, thanks for your cow/yak comment. Funny!
    I like what you say here about not being a one size fits all family. It's similar to what I said on a recent entry (Wisdom of Heraclitus)-Different children require different spices.

    Peace and Laughter,

  2. We've never used any of those! Shows how much there is to choose from! :o)
