Saturday, July 28, 2007

My typing expander woes.

I use an expander to do my medical transcription. It's called Shorthand. It's very good. What expanders do is raise typing speed by letting you just type a few letters and the whole word will go into the document, sort of like you can do with Auto Correct, only much better. I used to use one called SmartType, which I really liked, but when the company I work for went to a MS Word based system, I had to change. The biggest difference for me is that unlike SmartType, Shorthand stays on all the time even when I'm not working, unless I turn it off. That means that a lot of the time when I'm blogging or emailing or surfing it's on and I'm too lazy to turn it off, knowing that I'll just have to turn it back on in a minute. I can choose to not let an individual word expand by pushing the CTRL key but sometimes I don't hit it hard enough or something and I end up typing in web addresses like www.craigslist.organomegaly and typing I'MEDICATIONS: instead of I'm, Marshall-Marchetti instead of Mama. It's kind of frustrating but sometimes it's quite funny.


  1. Keeps things interesting though!

    (Back on blogger! You knew I'd do that didn't you?)

  2. Anonymous1:50 PM

    I think you should do a blog with it on and let us read the results. I bet it would be hilarious.

    Let me know if you do.
