Monday, July 16, 2007

The "Mom is Calling You" Secret Code, Explained.

As I've explained to the kids before, if I say their name in combination with their brother or sister's name, whichever one I say last, that's who I mean. Sometimes I may put all three kids names in there. I may even throw in my brother's name, my husband's name, a cousin or one of the pet's names. However it comes out, the last name I say is generally the child I mean. They should watch me too, because if I totally can't think of the child's name, I'll point. Figure it out kids, because I'm not getting any better at this. LoL.


  1. It sounds easy enough to me? What's their problem? LOL

  2. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Since I only have one, I have to get it right the first time! LOL

  3. Anonymous10:40 AM

    You write very well.
