Friday, June 29, 2007

Still planning, etc.

I'm still in the brain fog zone. Boy does that make it difficult to work at my job. I've found it very hard to concentrate for the last couple of days. I hope it goes away soon and I'm back to my normal, not brilliant but functional self. I worked a bit more on the planning today. We are definitely going to do an American History unit. We've done some American History before, with the Konos units but not really in depth and the high schooler needs an American History credit. If we do what he does for history and science, then we can do some things as a group and I think that will make it easier.

I looked at all the units that I've gotten from the homeschool estore (love that site!) and I have some good things, several copywork/handwriting books, a couple of Christmas units, a unit on respected American women and a unit on the moon (which will be great when we get to the moon race part of history!). I've also got a book about great art masterpieces that would make a nice little art study for us this year. I am determined not to buy much this year and if I do, it will probably be from the homeschool estore, to thank them for their wonderful free downloads.

I would like to get a computer program for my youngest called Kidspiration which I think would help him, since he's such a visual learner, but it's kind of expensive, about 70.00, so that's probably going to wait. We'll see how he does this year. Another curriculum choice on my dream list would be a Hands and Hearts History Kit. They just look like SO much fun! Ooh, just looking at them when I made that link made me want them even more.

1 comment:

  1. Shoo! Go away fog! did that help?

    Hands and Hearts History looks awesome!
