Friday, June 22, 2007

Our latest project.

The 2 older kids and I poured the first 2 sections in a new sidewalk for the front. We've never had a sidewalk in front of the house and it has always bothered me, so I got this concrete form from Lowes for 14.00 and we did a couple of sections. I only bought a little bit of concrete, so we used all we had. We didn't know how many bags it would take to do a section, but now we do. These first 2 sections were a learning experience. When we get it all done, we'll either put in some sand in the cracks between stones or put in some dirt and whatever that plant is that people plant in walkways like this.


  1. That looks really cool! Was it hard to do?

  2. AWESOME JOB! This is what I want! We need walks in front and in back. I don't know if i can convince The Man to use the molds though...

  3. It was not hard to do at all, although the concrete is very heavy and my back was tired last night from the lifting. We hope to do the rest sometime this weekend.

    They also have molds that look like bricks and are more conventional looking. You can also tint the concrete and make it different colors. How cool is that.

  4. Anonymous10:18 PM

    It's moss between the rocks; at least usually. :)
